Holiday Toy Drive!
Donate a toy & help put a smile on a child's face this holiday! Drop off between 12/12 -12/19 @ Sewfabulous Sewing School!

Check out our new gift boxes and merch! @ Sewfabuloussewing.com

Holiday Toy Drive!
Donate a toy & help put a smile on a child's face this holiday! Drop off between 12/12 -12/19 @ Sewfabulous Sewing School!

Virtual Fashion Show Feb 5-7th!
Designers Wanted email or call to register and to get more information! Sewfabuloussewing@gmail.com 410-653-3212

Holiday Toy Drive!
Donate a toy & help put a smile on a child's face this holiday! Drop off between 12/12 -12/19 @ Sewfabulous Sewing School!