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Use of Space $150   

$20 per person (w/o Teachers)

$50 per person (w/ Teachers)

$150 flat rate

$100 deposit (included in total)

Need a space to host your event or meetings!? Well we have the space you need. One big room and two medium size rooms. Call for more information.


Walk-In / ESH


Walk-In students are not assigned a specific time or class, they come when they like (during scheduled walk-in times) and get help from available teachers.


ESH ( Emergency Sewing Help)

Design your own class and get help with project. 

Mini-Session $165
Kids Mini-Session $150

We offer a 4 week

mini-session for those that want to try out a course before committing to the full 8-week session.  All mini-sessions start at the same time as regular sessions. 

Beginner Class $325 Ages 12+ to adults)
+ Registration Fee $15 ( one time only)
+ Additional Textbook Fee (12.99):
In The Beginning: The First Steps to Sewing
To be purchased on the first day and a $15+ machine rental fee.(Or bring your own machine)


This class will teach you the basics of sewing. Students will learn to use the sewing machine, examine patterns and pattern layouts, learn sewing terms and create samples for their sewing book. Projects will include pants with an elastic band (PJ's) and a sectional quilted tote bag. If time remaining students will also make a zipper pouch.


Supplies Needed: Pajama Pants Pattern, Cotton Fabric, Sewing Kit, and Elastic 5/8 to 1in  wide. 

~Supplies will not be needed for the first day but can be pre-purchased at our School Store . ~

*Complete Supply List will be given the 1st day of class.*

*We also offer a Kids Beginner sewing class for ages 7-11 for $300 *

*We also offer Beginner & Intermediate I LIVE - ONLINE CLASSES  $200

Kid's Beginner Sewing! - $300


This class is for Kid’s Only! 7-11yrs old.

Children will have fun sewing crafts and garments. They will make a tote and pajama pants. We supply the fabric for the tote and pattern for the pajama pants. They will learn how to: use a sewing machine, examine and layout patterns, different sewing techniques while having fun! 

Supplies Needed: Cotton fabric and matching thread for pajama pants, Sewing kit, and elastic 1/2-5/8 inch wide.

~Supplies will not be needed for the first day but can be pre-purchased at our School Store . ~

*Complete Supply List will be given the 1st day of class.*

Intermediate I $300

This class builds on the lessons from the beginner level class. However, students will learn zipper insertion, darts, handstitching, seam finishing, and more. Students will have the choice of making a skirt, pant or dress(without a collar or sleeve).  Entrance into level II will depend on the students' ability to complete this listed activities.

Intermediate II $300
In our Intermediate II class, students continue to sharpen their sewing techniques. Students will gain a "deeper" understanding of putting in darts and pleats while moving on to sleeves, collar, collar band,and cuffs insertion. The main project for this class  is a tailored shirt.
Advanced I $300

Advanced students will learn tailoring techniques such as pleats, tucks, lapels, and set-in; all techniques that add to the value of their garment! Typically students make a lined blazer or jacket. Students must pass a technique test to take this class.




Advanced II $300

As this class is a stepping stone to design, students will take all of their skills and learn how to completely modify a pattern using basic patterns, such as an A-line skirt. Students will change the size, design, or look presented in the pattern and make it their own! 

U- Design $350

In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of draping and drafting. They will be more independent and have the opportunity to design and build their own creations. Students will create slopers for a basic bodice then redesign into their own creation. This class is only offered on Saturday. Students must have completed Beginner - Advance courses. 



Fashion Illustration $200

Fashion Illustration 101: The Fundamentals 

We have an excellent teacher on staff who shows students of all talents the intricacies and techniques of drawing out fashion designs from shading, color and sketching the body form. Here you will learn to move an idea from your mind to the page!

(4 classes)


After School Program $100/wk


(Currently Being Offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Only.)

(Cost: $35/day without transportation and $50/ day with transportation ($150 week))


Through this program, your child will be able to learn the art of sewing, while at the same time making cool projects such as PJ's, stuffed animals, and other garments, all while making new friends. Each child will work at their own pace, all in a safe and enriching environment after school.


Design Academy  - $400 or $50/Day
                          *Advance Students Only

This program is designed for individuals looking to build a portfolio for college prep, trade schools, and startup businesses.

It will teach students techniques needed to build a cohesive portfolio to enter the design field.  The design academy  portfolio building course is 8 weeks meeting 1 day a week for 2 hours.



Monday Homeschool Program - $300

This is the same program as our beginner 8-week session, just for homeschoolers. All students will be homeschoolers in the area. This class takes place every  Monday from 10-12 pm or 12-2pm for 8 weeks. New classes start the same week as the regular 8-week session.


Corset Making - $300/ 6 classes 

Join us for a delightful time creating lovely Corsets! Using a pattern or create your own, we will design a corset to custom fit you! Learn to design, apply and decorate your very own custom made corset! 

Sewfab Packs - Price Varies

(For Sewing Classes Only)

Don't Want to be Committed to a Session!? With Packs, You Can Drop In  Whenever You Want!​


Packs are a way for you to purchase classes not confined to our once a week schedule.


Take 3 Classes For $125

(Must Be Redeemed in 1 Month)


Take 6 Classes For $250

(Must Be Redeemed in 1 Months)


Take 12 Classes For $485

(Must Be Redeemed in 1 Months)


Unlimited Monthly Classes For $1000

(Come As Many Times As You Want In 1 Month)


Live- Online Sewing Classes - $200


Learn the basics of sewing from your own home.

Only 3 students per class.

6 classes for one day a week.

We have 3 different levels available :

Kids live-online beginner ( Ages 7-11) Projects vary upon age.

Live-Online Beginner (Ages 12+ to adults) makes PJ pants

Live- Online Intermediate ( Ages 12+ to adults) makes A-line skirt


 Must register a week before session start date to receive your pattern via the mail.

2017 ©Sewfabulous Sewing  - 1100 Reisterstown Rd. Pikesville, MD 21208

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